Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is a distinct mental health condition that goes beyond mere shyness. Individuals grappling with social anxiety disorder experience an intense and enduring fear of being scrutinized or judged by others. Unlike occasional shyness, social anxiety disorder can significantly impede daily routines, work, school, and various other activities. Research indicates that approximately 7% of Americans contend with social anxiety disorder, emphasizing the prevalence and impact of this condition.
The fear associated with social anxiety disorder can have far-reaching effects on multiple aspects of life, making it challenging to establish and sustain friendships or relationships. The pervasive nature of this anxiety can extend to work, school, and other routine activities, hindering personal and professional growth.
Individuals with social anxiety disorder face an elevated risk of developing major depressive disorder and alcohol use disorders, underscoring the importance of timely intervention and support.
Recognizing the symptoms of social anxiety disorder is crucial for both affected individuals and those around them. Symptoms may include a fear of situations where judgment is anticipated, preoccupation with the potential for embarrassment or humiliation, and anxiety leading up to feared activities or events. Physical manifestations of social anxiety can encompass blushing, sweating, upset stomach, dizziness, trembling, and a shaky voice in social situations.
Importantly, social anxiety disorder doesn’t have to be an insurmountable obstacle. Effective treatment approaches exist, offering hope for individuals to overcome symptoms and achieve their full potential. Seeking professional help can be a transformative step toward managing social anxiety disorder and fostering a more fulfilling life.
Thinks understanding of yourself with the support of a counsellor leads to living a more full life.
Learned to identify their individual needs which increased their confidence as a couple.
Helps couples gain insight into how their own, forms of thinking impact their relationship.
We often tend to people who want to experience more satisfaction, joy, resiliency in their lives. Other times people fell down, unexcited about life, happiness and just want to stop feeling that way. General areas we address.
Relationships can be incredibly rewarding but they can also require some hard work, with difficulties in relationships being a common issue for many people strive to feel like they’re doing something good.
Talk to our Coordinator
Mon – Fri: 5am – 7pm
Saturday: 8am – 5pm
The health and well-being of our clients is one of our top concerns. We are following the current government and health authorities COVID-19 guidance to ensure we are taking the right actions to protect our clients, employees and the community. For in person meetings clients are asked to:
Measure their body temperature
Frequently disinfect hands
Wear face masks at all times